911, 9-11, Isaiah 11:9 & Knowledge

Have you ever wondered what A Course In Miracles means when it says:

What could God give but Knowledge of Himself? (Text 18.VI)


Yet even forgiveness is not the end. Forgiveness does make lovely, but it does not create. It is the source of healing, but it is the messenger of Love and not its Source. Here you are led, that God Himself can take the final step unhindered, for here does nothing interfere with Love, letting It be Itself. A step beyond this holy place of forgiveness, a step still further inward but the one you cannot take, transports you to something completely different. Here is the Source of Light; nothing perceived, forgiven nor transformed. But merely known.

This course will lead to Knowledge, but Knowledge Itself is still beyond the scope of our curriculum. Nor is there any need for us to try to speak of what must forever lie beyond words. We need remember only that whoever attains the real world, beyond which learning cannot go, will go beyond it, but in a different way. Where learning ends there God begins, for learning ends before Him Who is complete where He begins, and where there is no end. It is not for us to dwell on what cannot be attained. There is too much to learn. The readiness for Knowledge still must be attained. (Text 18.IX)

The Course speaks of the Knowledge that you can’t get in college. Get updates to this blog and you will hear more readings from Knowledge, the book, the only collection of scriptures that point purposefully at the experience referred to in the Introduction to the Clarification of Terms in the Teacher’s Manual:

A universal theology is impossible, but a universal experience is not only possible but necessary. It is this experience toward which the course is directed. Here alone consistency becomes possible because here alone uncertainty ends… The ego will demand many answers that this course does not give… and may ask this in many forms. Yet there is no answer; only an experience. Seek only this, and do not let theology delay you.