Lesson 228 – God has condemned me not. No more do I.

My Father knows my holiness. Shall I deny His knowledge, and believe in what His knowledge makes impossible? Shall I accept as true what He proclaims as false? Or shall I take His Word for what I am, since He is my Creator, and the One Who knows the true condition of His Son?

Father, I was mistaken in myself, because I failed to realise the Source from which I came. I have not left that Source to enter in a body and to die. My holiness remains a part of me, as I am part of You. And my mistakes about myself are dreams. I let them go today. And I stand ready to receive Your Word alone for what I really am.

One thought on “Lesson 228 – God has condemned me not. No more do I.”

  1. In the process of applying todays lesson, I kept running across inner judgement thoughts. When I repeated the lesson to myself, it helped me become more aware of my condemning thoughts for myself and others. I could sense the negativity in entertaining these thoughts. I am thankful for experiencing this recognition of how comdemnation thoughts are not happy thoughts. So since God doesn’t condemn me for these thoughts, I am going to follow by not condemning myself either. Thank you so much Patricia for this beautiful lesson.

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